4.7 Stovall Text

Quotation 1

Martin Glodsmith, general manager of the local public radio station, said that the station’s goal is to raise $100,000 for programming efforts. Goldsmith said that $130,000 is spent each year on buying programs. This is the best way to help the station pay for the programming.

Quotation 2

Marilyn Wall, president of the Walls Tire Co., said this year orders were up about 20 percent and were able to recall employees that were laid off the past three years. Wall said they were able to expand the work force by adding 20 new jobs.

Quotation 3

Marsha Moss, director of the local symphony orchestra, said the response of the audience to last night’s concert was gratifying. Moss said playing in front of an audience like that is more fun than playing in front of critics and it’s good to know that people appreciate the hours of hard work the orchestra puts into to each concert.

Quotation 4

Jerry Butts, member of the city council, said we could either grant the police the raise their union requested then raise the property tax to pay for it. Butts said we could deny the request for a pay raise and kept the tax rates the same they have been for five years.

One Response to “4.7 Stovall Text”

  1. dkois says:

    Paraphrases are okay, but go a little bit long — they should be less than half the length of the original quotes. Focus on finding the most important information. Avoid “we” in paraphrasing. 3/5.

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