2/21 Post

The biggest thing that caught my attention this week was the Tiger Wood’s apology. The media has taken a situation of private matter and placed it in the public eye. This apology was one of the most infamous apologies in most recent history behind President Clinton’s and Kobe Bryant’s. The world seemed to turn their backs on Tiger because of his choice of infidelity. It is his personal issues but yet the media is yet again right in the middle of it all. After a few months in therapy and avoidance of the media Tiger comes out with a press conference to speak his peace and tell his plans of the near future.

The entire apology.

3 Responses to “2/21 Post”

  1. kmclain says:

    I think that the media has every right to be in the middle of this story, as Tiger Woods is a huge public figure and sports star, whom I’m sure, before this story broke, was a role model to thousands of fans across the world. When you chose to do what he does, to be a celebrity, in a way you have to accept that your personal life isn’t going to stay so personal. I think that what Tiger Woods did was horrible and I’m glad he got what was coming to him when his “mistresses” sold their stories to the paper.

  2. cdalexander says:

    What gives the media the right to ruin someone’s personal life? Yes Tiger is indeed the biggest golf name in the sports world but he is still not a human being? People make mistakes and I understand what he did was wrong yet who are we to judge someone on their faults when no one walking this earth is perfect. The media has made a bad situation worse to a man and his family. To me he doesn’t owe an apology to anyone but his wife and family. The media fail to realize that yes these celebrities are placed on such a high pedestal that they forget that they are normal people with normal lives that should be respected. Tiger has to fix this with his family does this situation make him any less of a golfer which is why he is in the media eye to begin with. And his mistresses to me only showed their true colors as being gold-diggers to only want to get money since they were so quick to sell text messages and voice mails just to make this worse. Again he was in the wrong but what man deserves such treatment for something that is not a crime, I mean he is not on trial, i.e. Kobe Bryant, Mike Vick. This makes me sick to see someone go through this, I was taught to forgive especially if he is obviously seeking the professional help and trying to save his marriage. Let the man live his life. I wonder how anyone would feel in his shoes with all this media in their face over a personal matter. Could you endure all that pressure?

  3. dkois says:

    I definitely could not! Do you think that the fact that Tiger’s an advertising icon, responsibly for the public images of a dozen companies, make the coverage of his private life any more justifiable?

    Good blog post, but it is filled with grammatical errors. Please proofread and work harder on your grammar. 3/5.

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